Thursday, July 23, 2015

Oodles of Zoodles

Anyone who knows me knows that for the past four years or so I've been very *into* health and exercise and healthy eating, but I'm human and I know that during winter time it's incredibly easy to slip into the habit of making pasta and heavy meals.

I'm all for pasta. I love it! But not every week (even though I'd love to).

I have good news! And yes, I'm probably very late on the bandwagon, but I still think these zucchini 'noodles' are too amazing not to share with everyone!

All you need is a spiralizer - I found mine at a homewares shop for less than $5...crazy investment, I know ;)

Spiralize a few zucchinis (I was cooking for two so used about 3 zucchinis) and pop them in a bowl whilst you boil some water.

I'll be honest with you - the first time I tried these zoodles out, I wasn't a huge fan. I made them completely raw, and while I loved the taste, it did not taste anything at all like spaghetti. It wasn't going to replace my need for real pasta. So! I changed it up a bit, and quickly blanch the zoodle strands in boiling water for 2-3 minutes and voila! They really do have the taste and texture of spaghetti!

Whilst it's all boiling, I decided to go al Italiano and stray from my usual tomato paste sauce.

Tear some rocket leaves, cut up some mini bocconcini balls, and slice through some cherry tomatoes. Making an Italian flag on your board with the ingredients is optional, but advised.

And finally, to finish the dish up, either make your own, or (as I did) pop open a jar of pesto and spoon some into your delightfully curled zoodles, before adding the rest of the fresh ingredients xx

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